Answer by Sanan Ali for How can I style a Stripe Elements input with Bootstrap?
I was using stripe with react and I was trying to use classes on parent container but it wasn't working for me. So, I ended up using inline styles for containers.Here is the final code that worked for...
View ArticleAnswer by Giovanni Mascellani for How can I style a Stripe Elements input...
Improving on other answers, I got the following solution. Take it with a grain of salt, though. The CSS for .StripeElement--focus and .card-element-disabled is copied from Bootstrap, so you might want...
View ArticleAnswer by Louie Bacaj for How can I style a Stripe Elements input with...
Adding another Answer since I felt the simplest one on here was slightly incomplete. Added the error display and the JavaScript used to send the token to the back-end in case you want to do that.This...
View ArticleAnswer by Abram for How can I style a Stripe Elements input with Bootstrap?
This is all that was required for us using <div class="form-group"><label for="card-element">Credit or debit card</label><div id="card-element" class="form-control" style='height:...
View ArticleAnswer by Brian Gottier for How can I style a Stripe Elements input with...
Alright, so I had to figure this out, because I was using Stripe.js v2, and the security vulnerability was explained to me by Stripe tech support, so I felt obligated to switch to Stripe.js v3...
View ArticleAnswer by michael for How can I style a Stripe Elements input with Bootstrap?
After digging around the docs a bit more, I found that says "Youshould style the container you mount an Element to as if it were an on your...
View ArticleHow can I style a Stripe Elements input with Bootstrap?
I'm building a simple website that will process payments with Stripe. I'm using Bootstrap for my styling. When I use Stripe Elements to insert the payment fields, they aren't styled with Bootstrap. How...
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